How to be Classy at a Restaurant While on a Date

First, dress for the venue. Bathe, smell good but don't wear overpowering cologne or perfume. Do not dress like a stripper or pimp. Try to dress well, but make sure it's appropriate for the venue. Dinner at Chilis is not the same as dinner at your local upscale sushi place. Dress for the venue.
When you arrive, the man should open the door. Be polite to the host/hostess. Be patient if you have to wait. If you can't wait for a table, go somewhere else. Acting impatient when you first get to a restaurant is a big red flag: it shows you don't deal well with minor inconveniences. Either wait patiently or go somewhere else.
Be polite to your waitress/waiter. Women love when guys show signs of compassion. You can show compassion by being very polite to the server. They're working hard (usually) and often have a shitton of things to be doing. If they don't return immediately to refill your glass or whatever, let it go.
Order an appetizer and an alcoholic drink (unless you're out with a muslim or mormon, in which case you should murder/suicide for being retarded). If you know about beer/wine/sake/etc. you should show that by ordering something classy and maybe even showing your worldliness by telling your date a few things about proper tasting, etc. Order an appetizer so you can munch on something before your meal comes out. It makes a date less stressful and gives you both something to do. Ordering drinks shows you aren't cheap and that you know a thing or two about alcohol, which makes you look classy, depending on what you order. If you order something stupid, you'll look like an alcoholic. If you order a glass of nice Cabernet Sauvignon or a 300ml bottle of Yaegaki Nigori sake to share with your date, you'll look classy.
Drink slowly. Eat somewhat slowly. Take your time. Chew with your fucking mouth closed. This should be self explanatory, but lots of people fail to do this.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
Do not talk with your mouth full. If you have to, cover your mouth with your hand. No one wants to see half-chewed food chunks in your mouth.
This is important, but often overlooked: Tip well. No one likes a stingy person (except maybe another stingy person). Obviously tipping customs vary by country, but in the US 20% is standard. If they were ok, you tip 20%. If they were outstanding, you tip 25%, 30% or more, depending on how outstanding they were. If they fucked something up big time, you should still tip 10 or 15%. Never tip less than 10% unless they were the worst server ever. It's insulting to the server, shows you're stingy and makes you look like you have no sense of compassion.
After dinner, chew gum or have a mint. Go for a walk, maybe get dessert at an ice cream place if you didn't pig out at dinner. Men should always walk on the outside of the curb (closest to the street). In any case, open the car door for her, drive her home, walk her to her door, and kiss her. If she lets you kiss her, she might even let you inside. If she's giving you the signs, go for it. Congrats! Your behavior at dinner got you laid.
I LOVE THIS! So many girls these days have no idea how to be classy and have fun. I’m reading an awesome book on how to be classy and I’ve actually added an online book club to my blog just to inspire more people to read this book… it’s amazing! If you’re interested in reading along and getting with the conversation, you can join us here: and tell me what you think! xoxo, WearToStandOut